The adventure starts within you!
After primary school I was never going back to another classroom. I should never trust my statements. 20 years in education and still enjoying!
These days I am determined to redirect my working life. I have written down som strategic steps to move myself closer to the business of communication and digital marketing. I look for networks where I can display my own business and people I can create and build good projects with. You are all welcome to join my crowd!
I have spent almost 20 years with this guy, and he brought me the most beautiful people in my life. A daughter from another mother and a son. I live in Kristiansand and have a small appartement with a husband, son and two cats. I love spending time with my family and friends.
Love to dance
Was a touristguide in Hollywood
I have an illness only a few other people have
I am a lonely child with four other siblings
My fear of computers went away when I met my Mac…